NuGo Series: Not Your Average Freezer Brownies
NuGo protein cookies are incredibly versatile.
Selena Gomez said it best when she sang, “Everything is not what is seems.” I’m going to go ahead and elect that as the theme song for this recipe because I don’t think anyone would suspect that the concoction of these 5 ingredients would make something so delicious. Don’t get me wrong, NuGo protein cookies are perfection on their own, but I love getting creative in the kitchen and finding new ways to incorporate my favorite food into my snacks and meals.
LOL, just kidding. I honestly am just a terrible creature of habit and I’m forcing myself to try to break my monotonous routines and branch out a bit. But, in true ~ creature of habit ~ form, I made a new snack, while still incorporating everything I eat on a daily basis.
Wow, ok. I guess I’m not as bold and brave as I’d like to think I am.
I basically just took all of the food I eat everyday and threw it in a blender, stuck it in a freezer, and called it something new.
You can take a girl away from her NuGo cookie, but you can’t take the NuGo cookie out of her snacks.
Stop and scrape. Stop and scrape. Stop and scrape.
When you make this, you’re going to need some patience. That’s probably not what you wanted to hear, you damn millennials, but trust me when I say that patience is truly a virtue when it comes to healthy, tasty, chocolatey snacks. In full transparency, I almost threw in the towel with this recipe. I was enraged with myself for basically shredding the $10 I spent on my bag of mulberries, plus the combined price of all other ingredients used for these freezer brownies.
But then I took a deep breath and stepped away from the blender for a hot minute. I mean, my problems could be much worse than a possible recipe fail. Like…Kim, your sister is going to jail! Ok, ok back to the serious stuff. My advice to you is this: stop & scrape. Because once it starts blending properly, it becomes the creamiest, richest, most decadent brownie batter you will ever taste. And yes, it is totally acceptable to eat half the batter straight from the blender.
Here’s what your batter will look like from start to finish:
Chocolate Mulberry NuGo Brownies
Use This:
1.5 cups mulberries (I used Navitas Organics)
2 tbs raw cacao powder (I used Navitas Organics)
1/8 cup vanilla nut milk (I used Elmhurst Almond Milk)
1 banana
Do This:
Throw it all in a blender.
STOP & SCRAPE. For the love of all things chocolate, be patient.
Once the batter is fully combined and looks super fudgey, pour into a container over parchment paper.
Leave in freezer for 4-6 hours.
Cut into squares and eat a damn brownie right away. They’re not regular brownies, they’re cool healthier brownies.